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Quest 1.4: New Objective, Increased Immersion, and Enhanced Insights

We are excited to present Quest 1.4.0, packed with features designed to enhance learner engagement and provide deeper insights for instructors.

New objective to attempt quizzes

At the heart of any good learning journey is the quiz, a powerful tool for assessing knowledge and understanding. With our latest update, Quest introduces a new objective to take a quiz. This allows instructors to require learners to complete one (or many) quizzes. Better yet, instructors can set a required grade, ensuring that only the quiz attempts meeting the specified grade count towards the objective.

Immersive quest dialogues

Engagement is important for effective learning, and we have made quests even more immersive. The quest dialogues now simulate a conversation in a messaging app, creating a familiar and engaging experience for learners. This design makes it easier for participants to spot new messages and keeps them involved in their learning journey, mirroring the interactive and dynamic nature of modern communication.

Associated pages for objectives

Directing learners towards the right content has never been easier. Instructors can now associate objectives with specific pages, providing learners with a clear pathway to where they can complete their tasks or find additional information. Quest will offer suggestions for associated pages where possible, easing the process for instructors.

Recruit filtering

Our new update brings significant improvements to the management pages, making it easier for instructors to manage and support their users (we call them recruits). These enhancements include the ability to filter users by name, email, and other identity fields. Additionally, instructors can now filter recruits by their state in a mission (in progress, completed, etc.), allowing for a more streamlined process in identifying and assisting those who might need extra help.

Enhanced insights and data export

For a more comprehensive view of learners' progress and behaviour, we've added context-wide global insights. Instructors can now view statistics and insights about all missions in a course, or at the system level. This data can be exported to CSV for offline processing, providing flexibility in analysing and utilising the data. Additionally, mission-specific insights, including user completion times, progress, and other metrics, can also be exported, ensuring that instructors have detailed information to tailor their teaching strategies effectively.

Global insights example
An example of the screen showing context-wide insights.

And more!

The latest Quest update isn't just about new features, it also includes several quality-of-life and UX improvements that did not make it in this post. For a detailed list of the changes, please check our release notes.

We hope you are as excited as we are about this new release. We are already (im)patiently waiting to hear about your anecdotes and creative way to implement gamification in your learning materials!

Frédéric Massart
Level Up Team
26 Jul 2024

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